Saw this meme way back when 2020 was coming to an end…

2020 wasn’t much fun but neither was 2021. For the family and I in particular, it was downright awful.
So we said goodbye to 2021 and we aren’t even done with the first month of 2022 and already its been this avalanche of bad news coming through.
I suppose the biggest bits of news are the celebrity deaths. While it happened on the very last day of 2021 (December 31st), you had the beloved Betty White, longtime star of television and movies, passing away just shy of her 100th birthday…

Yesterday/today came the news of the passing of two celebrities, Meat Loaf, aka Michael Lee Aday, mostly known as a terrific singer but also actor…
And, finally (for now, I suppose), comedian Louie Anderson…

Betty White had supposedly had a stroke a few days before her passing and it was likely the cause of her death. I read articles which stated Louie Anderson was being treated for cancer and this was the cause of his death.
As for Meat Loaf, the reports indicate he had contracted COVID and this was the cause of his death.
While the information is still very fresh and not entirely sourced, there have been those who have noted the singer had stated in previous interviews he was against vaccine mandates. There was evidence to suggest he had a conservative viewpoint.
Obviously, I can only go by those reports as I didn’t know the man myself.
While it feels unseemly to speculate, I can’t help myself.
I can’t help but wonder if he was one of those people who refused to get vaccinated for COVID.
Understand: There is no joy in this speculation. I don’t have any feelings but sadness at his passing.
But I’d be lying if it doesn’t cause me to contemplate the weird times we’re living in.
We live in a time where the politization of things seems to have gone waaaaaaay too far.
In the past, vaccinations weren’t something I thought about all that much but when I did, I tended to view them positively.
After all, you vaccinate yourself against Polio. Chicken Pox. Measles. Mumps. Shingles. The flu.
I can’t recall anyone stating these vaccines were some liberal plot and/or a threat to one’s freedoms and yet this seems to be exactly what’s happened with too many people when it comes to COVID vaccines.
It hurts to realize this weird thinking has taken over too many people, especially when I have very close family members on my side as well as my wife’s side who have fallen into this bullshit crap as well.
Which begs the question: What is it going to take to convince people reluctant to get vaccinated to do so?
How many more people have to pass away before then?
I just don’t know anymore.
It’s a hell of a way to begin the new year, though.
My thoughts are with the families of those who passed, regardless.
POSTSCRIPT: Just goes to show how much has happened and how many celebrities have passed. I forgot to mention two:
Yvette Mimieux. Perhaps not as well known today, but an absolutely stunning actress, perhaps best known for the original The Time Machine and Where The Boys Are. She was 80.
And, shockingly, Bob Saget, amiable comedian and star of the popular Full House. He was 65.