New Book Update 8/14/24

It’s been… something.

A long time working on two projects at the same time -full disclosure, one of them I’ve done most of my work but do slip in here and there to do some other stuff- and dealing with all kinds of other issues.

It’s been, frankly, exhausting.

I don’t expect nor want sympathy, but it’s tough to work as much as I do and without much of a break between projects/jobs and keep the proverbial flame going bright.

Two days ago I finished putting in the 6th draft revisions of my latest novel. I find the first half of the book quite good and maybe not needing much more work. The second half of the book, however, did need more attention. The elements, mind you, are all there but it felt like I needed to smooth over things and explain other things a little better. There were the usual bugs I have to clean up, from redundant sequences (a favorite of mine, it seems… writing a sequence only to then write it again in another section of the story!) to sequences that could use a little -or a lot!- of tightening.

Either way, I just finished printing out the second half of the novel and intend to give it a good hard look, fix up what I can, put it into the computer, then print the whole thing out and go into the full draft.

It feels like I’m nearing the end here and I’m generally very happy with what I’ve written.

Now, if the world can stop collapsing around me for a bit so I can focus on that…!

From then to now…

BEWARE: Politics…!

My last post, on July 23rd (where the heck does the time go?!) is a fascinating photograph of the time immediately after Trump is nearly assassinated, the RNC convention is about to begin and Trump chooses J.D. Vance to be his V.P., and then Biden decides he won’t run again and Kamala Harris, his V.P., becomes the Democratic presidential candidate…

…how the tables have turned.

For the time going into the RNC convention, pundits and Republicans felt the momentum was with Trump. It wasn’t looking like he’d be elected, it was to many of them looking like he’d be a shoo-in to win the election and reclaim the presidency.

But a lot changed and rather quickly.

As I mentioned in my previous post, the pick of J.D. Vance as his running mate was met with confusion and, after much of the dust settled, scorn. He’s polling very low and when people find out about his very right wing positions, they seem to like him less and less.

Worse, Trump ended the convention with a speech that was long and dull and what should have been the kicking off of the final leg of his campaign wound up curiously muted.

Then Biden decided to not run again.

This may wind up being the one thing that ensures Trump never sees office again.

In one very daring move, Biden removed himself and his weaknesses -and in retrospect they were most certainly there regarding his advanced age- and by having Kamala Harris become the Democratic presidential candidate, all the criticism heaped on Biden suddenly boomeranged back onto Trump.

The pundits and media that were scrutinizing Biden’s age and gaffs resulting from them could no longer do so and that glaring eye fell fully on… Trump himself.

Suddenly he is the one that looks old and worn down. Suddenly he is the one that has the gaffs and frozen moments. Suddenly he is the old guy we’ve been warned about not allowing back into the white house.

Worse for Trump, he seems to either be in some kind of physical decline -if not facing some kind of financial issues- as well. He barely goes out to campaign and there have been whispers that he’s been told in various states that if he wants to use their venues, he first has to pay them on venue uses from the past which he hadn’t paid for.

He was just on Twitter (ie, X) interviewed by Elon Musk, a man who seems to each day make himself look more and more foolish, and that whole interview was also a fiasco. Technical glitches at the start ensured it began some forty minutes late (shades of the interview Musk had with DeSantis a lifetime ago) and when Trump talked, he was his typical rambling/nonsensical self… but people also noted a heavy lisp. Loose dentures? Possibly. But worse for him, the possibility of further cognitive decline and yet another reminder of something he hopes to bury: His advancing years.

For her part, Kamala Harris and her V.P. pick, Tim Walz, have hit the ground running. Unlike Trump, they are moving around venue to venue and attracting large, very enthusiastic crowds.

Years and years ago, back in the Stone Age of 1984, Ronald Reagan ran against Walter Mondale. Like him or not (and I feel history has offered a harsher look at him) it felt through the whole campaign Ronald Reagan was the clearer choice. Mondale was dour, unexciting while Reagan was bright and optimistic.

It wasn’t shocking at all that Reagan won in a landslide.

Though I say this with considerable caution because there is still quite a bit of time before the election itself, it is certainly possible history may be repeating itself.

We’ll see.

I read the news today/yesterday, 7/23/24 edition…

So the last week we had Donald Trump almost being assassinated at a rally and I wrote about how the news seems to be on steroids of late, that it seems almost every day we’re hit with one “unprecedented” event after another to the point of being numb about the whole thing.

Case in point: The assassination attempt against Trump seems like distant, distant old news now and hasn’t seemed to alter the fabric of our body politic much at all.

To be clear, there are those Trump fans who did make something of what should have been a ground shattering event. They talked about how Trump was “invincible” or somehow “anointed”… in a religious sense. There were T-shirts showing the bloodied Trump being held by the Secret Service and… welp, I cannot deny his fans their moment of hero worship even if to me the whole thing was incredibly frightening.

Then the Republican Convention came. In short order Trump chooses author and very far right (and favorite of billionaires like Peter Thiel) J. D. Vance as his Vice President pick… and it doesn’t really do all that much to anyone outside the right wing sphere. In fact, many pundits wound up scratching their heads at the choice. Most of the time a VP pick is meant to shore up a Presidential Candidate’s weakness. Like getting a popular figure from a State that’s in play or choosing someone who will help you with some large segment of the population which may not view you in as positive a light. Vance didn’t seem to “help” Trump with broadening his base and came from a state that likely will go Republican already. An odd choice, for sure.

But even worse for Trump, the convention’s finale featured his acceptance speech and… it didn’t go all that well. To begin, it was the longest acceptance speech ever at 92 minutes and that wouldn’t have been an issue except that most viewed the speech as a too long and boring rambling affair. Even the audience seemed to want it to end and that’s hardly a ringing endorsement to the guy you want to lead not only your party but the nation itself.

And there’s more: Trump claimed he would offer a “unifying” speech and truthfully if there was a time to do something like that, after surviving an assassination attempt as he did, this would have been the time for a more humble Trump to come on stage and accept the nomination and ask those who are disinclined to voting for him to give him a chance. That he’s a changed man and would fight for all Americans rather than the hard right few.

Didn’t happen.

So Trump exits the Convention not looking particularly stronger than before he entered and that, in itself, should be looked upon as at best a missed opportunity and at worse a failure.

A few days later comes the (here’s that word again) unprecedented news that President Joe Biden has decided not to run for re-election. He formally endorses his V.P., Kamala Harris, to succeed him.

It’s a crisis point. Will the Democratic Party descend into chaos? Would several others try to claim the nomination from Biden/Harris?


What happened was quite the opposite: It energized the Democratic Party. It led to an incredible monetary haul of donations, perhaps the biggest ever in a single day. And it excited many who may have been holding their breaths with a Biden candidacy.

I was one of those holding my breath, I have to admit.

Look, I don’t dislike Biden at all and I’d vote for him over Trump or pretty much any of the current batch of right wing Republicans out there.

But, let’s face it, at 81 years of age, he’s very old and as a potential voter, I couldn’t help but wonder day after day if we’d get the “good” Biden or the tired older Biden we saw in that first debate with Trump.

The idea of another Trump presidency was unimaginable to me but the reality was that I didn’t know if Biden, a mere three years older than Trump, could show more energy despite his age.

In one swoop, though, the tables turned completely. Suddenly the Democratic Party has a young, energetic, and smart woman looking like she will be the candidate and just as suddenly all the stuff that was being leveled against Biden -that he was too old and too tired looking- was wiped out and re-focused on… Trump.

It’s been a few days now since these events and it feels like the Democratic Party remains on a high while the Republican Party is struggling to find a new message. Worse, their biggest televised event, the Convention, came and went and did nothing to broaden Trump’s appeal while they spent all that time slamming Biden… who is no longer even the candidate they’re running against!

It’s a truly fascinating bit of political ju-jitsu by Biden.

He may be old and I feel he was smart to give up a re-election run. Yet he managed to do so in perhaps the best possible way to re-energize his party and focus a harsh light on the fact that all his problems… are present in spades in Trump.

But again… that’s today.

Let’s see what happens tomorrow. And the day after tomorrow…

I read the news today, oh boy…

I don’t know about you guys, but it seems like we have “unprecedented” things happening daily…

…and it’s freaking exhausting.

It seems each day’s news comes and attempts its best to outdo what happened the previous day to the point where it’s becoming mind-numbing.

I’m not saying the things that happened aren’t newsworthy… but the frequency they come, are digested, only to be supplanted by something even more disturbing or shocking the next day is (here’s that word again) exhausting.

To be very clear, the assassination attempt against Donald Trump yesterday is very much a news event… this is an obvious, shocking, and disgusting no-brainer.

While I have no love for Trump or his policies and absolutely will not vote for him nor do I want him anywhere near any real government power again, I want to be absolutely clear that I do not take any glee at all at the fact that someone -and likely we’ll come to find a very disturbed individual- took a shot at him.

Just as I wished those on the other side -including Trump himself- didn’t make stupid jokes and/or offer such “clever” sly innuendoes about the clearly deranged intruder who broke into Nancy Pelosi’s home and attacked her husband Paul with a hammer.

But the worst of it is that I’m left wondering what shocking news we’re going to get tomorrow.

Or the next day. Or the day after that.

I worry we’ll quickly forget about this shocking episode and move on to the next “unprecedented” event.

And so on…

…and so on…

The Invisible Man (2020) a (Brutal Husbands, Part 2) Review

So I’m flying back home and, having seen Till Death (you can read my review of it here) on my way to my destination, I’m looking through what I’ve downloaded and decide to watch the 2020 Leigh Whannell written/directed film The Invisible Man on the way back. I enjoyed Mr. Whannell’s 2018 film Upgrade quite a bit and wanted to check out The Invisible Man for a while now and decided it was time.

What I didn’t realize is that Till Death and The Invisible Man are, thematically anyway, films that can be described as “the husband from hell and the harried wife who has to somehow survive them.

Here’s the movie’s trailer and, like Till Death, it gives a taste of what you’re in for without giving away everything:

In The Invisible Man, we start off introduced to Cecilia Kass (Elisabeth Moss, quite good). She in bed next to her husband Adrian Griffin (Oliver Jackson-Cohen, also quite good) but, we find, is in the process of escaping his high tech -and clearly very expensive- home.

She’s terrified of Adrian and the audience soon finds out why: In the process of escape, Adrian reveals himself to be prone to violence (I won’t get much more SPOILERY than this) and, even when she’s finally freed of him, Cecilia fears he will find her and enact his vengence on her.

I’m loathe to give too much more away. Going by the trailer, I will say this much: Adrian appears to have committed suicide and then things get stranger as Cecilia fears her ex has somehow figured out a way to make himself invisible and is now after her… and her friends.

As I said above, both Till Death and The Invisible Man are films that focus on a violent, devious, and dangerous husband who wants to “get” his wife and I was genuinely struck by how both films follow through on this premise quite well.

The Invisible Man, after a somewhat slow burn introduction (the only very big negative I would give to the film… maybe I’m getting impatient in my advanced years), takes off in delirious and interesting directions. Like Till Death, the film does feature several surprises and also some necessary suspension of disbelief (I’ll give one here as I did with Till Death: Didn’t Cecilia wonder why the dog was healthy when she saw him the second time?!).

Still the suspense is quite good and the story is meaty and treats the audience with respect without dipping into silliness.

If I have any real big negative, its only the fact that I somehow stumbled onto seeing these two films and wound up comparing them to each other because their initital premises are so very similar.

The Invisible Man is clearly the more fantastic of the two films and was also the one that featured a larger budget but Till Death gets points for knowing what it’s going for and getting there quick.

Still, you can’t miss with either film.

That is, if you want to see husbands from hell going after their wives… who turn out to be far more resourseful than the asshole husband thought they were!


Till Death (2021) a (Brutal Husbands, part 1) review

A year or two ago, maybe a little more, I was looking through the VUDU (now Fandango) digital movie sales and found the 2021 Megan Fox movie Till Death listed among those available fairly cheap.

I must confess: I wasn’t necessarily interested in buying the film but, as I do, I checked out the reviews and… they were for the most part quite positive. Anyway, bottom line is the price was right and I figured “why not?” The film sounded interesting enough so I figured I’d give it a whirl…


As with all entertainment things I buy, they get into a very long line before I finally have a chance (if ever!) to get to them. Long story short: I was taking a flight somewhere this past week, looked over the movies I had, downloaded several, and when the plane was taking off to my destination, I decided to give Till Death a whirl.

And I was glad I did.

First, though, here’s the movie’s trailer which, thankfully, doesn’t give everything away…

Megan Fox is Emma, a woman who when we first meet in the opening minutes of the film is ending an affair she’s having. See, it is her anniversary and while she is clearly very unhappy in her marriage, she is also honorable enough to realize having an affair is no solution either and realizes it’s time to end things. Now, just to add a little more context and without getting too SPOILERY, it is revealed later in the film that Emma knows her husband Mark has been having affairs as well. Their marriage is truly on very shaky grounds.

Anyway, after this, the audience meets Mark (Eoin Macken, wonderfully creepy from his first scene on) who seems contrite and claims he wants this anniversary to be one where they finally put all the negatives from their marriage behind them and become a true couple.

And if you think these two one-time lovebirds do just that in the course of this film, then you haven’t been paying attention and you certainly haven’t seen the above trailer!

I’m loathe to give away too many of the movie’s story details, but suffice it to say that rather than taking Emma to an isolated romantic retreat where they can finally start the process of healing their relationship, Mark brought her to an isolated, diabolical death trap he has devised. And once the proverbial shit-hits-the-fan and the movie gets going, Emma quite literally is in a fight for her survival against seemingly impossible odds.

I’m certain there are many people who saw this film featured Megan Fox and were instantly turned off by the idea of watching her star in any film and therefore are unwilling to give Till Death a shot but… you’re missing out.

While the film isn’t “perfect” and there are a couple of moments where one has to use the proverbial suspension of disbelief (such as how Ms. Fox’s wonderful makeup stayed on so well through the whole ordeal…!), Till Death is a more than competently crafted thriller that delivers several surprises along with the life and death struggles of Emma.

As for Ms. Fox, she’s quite good as the harried leading lady who is quite literally fighting for her life from the fifteen-minute mark (or thereabouts) of the film until its end.

A stylish, suspenseful work that, at least for me, is an easy recommendation.

Greek Archeologists discover mysterious 4000 year old building…

Sometimes one can despair from the ramping up of political news which seems all encompassing and, frankly, alternately depressing and annoying.

Then comes news like this, which I find so incredibly fascinating.

The article is by the Associated Press and I found it on

Greek archeologists discover mysterious, 4000 year old building on hill earmarked for new airport

The most fascinating thing to me are the photographs from the site, which indicate some kind of circular structure on top of a hill…

Now that’s an incredibly interesting structure!

At the risk of further hijacking the story itself, they also posted this image, taken from directly above the structure:


Again, I highly recommend you read the article from the link I provided above but I will summarize a bit: The architects aren’t entirely sure what the structure was used for. They did find some animal bones within so the thought is that maybe the structure was used for some kind of ritual and/or feeding. It is likely Crete Minoan in origin but it doesn’t fit in with any other known structure from that civilization. Because of its size and structure -which is quite elaborate!- it likely was a structure which required considerable resources and personel as well as technological know how therefore was likely an important structure in its time.

Fascinating, fascinating stuff!

The Fall Guy (2024) a (for the most part on time) review

Early into this summer movie season, things are looking scary for Hollywood.

The first attempt at a big crowd pleasing hit was the Ryan Gosling/Emily Blunt film The Fall Guy. Based on a (I strongly suspect) mostly forgotten by today’s youth TV show originally featuring Lee Majors, this is the movie’s amusing trailer:

Frankly, I thought this film, and Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga, released a couple of weeks afterwards, would do pretty well at the box office.

They did not.

Unfortunately both films have underperformed and are likely to be considered box office “bombs”, this despite mostly positive reviews from critics and audiences alike. To be clear: I’ve read some people here and there who have not liked the films. Some were very negative on them both. However, it seemed the bulk of people who posted about both films liked them and are bewildered by why both films have underperformed so badly.

The worry is that perhaps movie theaters themselves may be in trouble.

That’s a topic for another time, though so let’s focus on The Fall Guy.

For those who don’t know, actor Lee Majors had quite the career, though mostly in television. His first big role was in the TV show The Big Valley but it was mostly an ensemble cast and a show that hewed to another big TV hit, Bonanza. In the early 1970’s he starred in the very popular sci-fi/action series The Six Million Dollar Man. He had a few roles in movies but his movie career never quite took off like his TV one. In the 1980’s, he starred, along with the gorgeous Heather Thomas, in the TV show The Fall Guy which is the basis of the just released Gosling/Blunt film…

The theme song, by the way, was sung by Lee Majors as well! (The version on the movie is sung by Blake Sheldon).

Anyway, I got to see The Fall Guy in theaters this past weekend in what was likely its final theatrical run. The film, astonishingly, did so poorly and studios were so down on it that it can already be bought digitally through the various streaming services.

Anyway, I saw the film and… it was a fun, sugary confection that accomplished what it set out to do: Give audiences a fun time.

It ain’t Citizen Kane but it was never meant to be!

The plot involves Colt Seavers (Gosling) romancing up and coming director Jody Moreno (Blunt) but getting into a bad accident that knocks him out of the stuntman game… at least temporarily. Then, he’s called back in and hijinks ensue when he’s asked to find the missing leading man in the motion picture Moreno is directing… and can make or break her career.

The banter is pleasant, the stunts fun, and Gosling and Blunt have charisma to burn.

Again, it isn’t a “classic” or terribly deep (though I did appreciate the fact that they managed to get the full meaning of the term “fall guy” used in the film!) but it’s a fun time killer.

Too bad audiences stayed away. I think they would have had a fun time with The Fall Guy.

Rule of Law…


Yesterday ex-President Donald Trump was found guilty of all 34 charges he was tried for.

He is now a convicted felon.

Not terribly surprisingly, Donald Trump claimed he was… well, what do you think? It was unfair. I did nothing wrong. If I did, it wasn’t worth this trial. I don’t know the lady. Etc. etc.

Depressingly -and not surprisingly- those on the far right, many in positions of power within the government, are also dubiously claiming this was a rigged trial and Trump shouldn’t have been pursued and…


The hypocrisy runs thick. These Republicans were right there pursuing Bill Clinton for a blowjob yet feel things are unfair when Trump is found guilty of sexual assault (E. Jean Carroll) and now for campaign finance illegalities.

You do know this was what the trail was about, right?

I mean, the “big” headline is that he forced himself upon Stormy Daniels, a porn star. In reality, the trial was about how he illegally paid her off to keep quiet about their tryst while campaigning for president against Hillary Clinton.

Worse, those claiming he was somehow railroaded seem to conveniently forget Trump effectively offered no defense in this trial. Trump’s lawyers never offered an explanation for the obvious payoffs made to the likes of ex-Trump lawyer Michael Cohen.

And when it was Trump’s turn to defend himself, he could have taken the stand -tough guy that he’s supposed to be- and set everyone right about what happened.

He didn’t.

Now, Trump -indeed any defendant- doesn’t have to testify. But Trump sure seems to be mouthy whenever he’s not under oath. He’s quick to talk about all the unfair things that happened and how this trail shouldn’t have happened and that he was being persecuted by the Biden administration…

…yet when he had a chance to swear to tell the truth and the whole truth and take the stand he declined.

Ah well.

A little more on Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (2024)

Way, waaaayyyy back in 1981 I was in High School and the movie The Road Warrior appeared in theaters. This movie, better known around the world as Mad Max 2, genuinely rocked my world.

I freaking loved it.

The action was intense, the stunt work mindbogglingly good -and scary! The climax had me on the edge of my seat.

The film was very low budget but not quite as low budget as the original Mad Max, which I would find and see later on. The film helped put Mel Gibson on Hollywood’s radar and he would soon after appear in Lethal Weapon and was well on his way to becoming a Hollywood superstar… before, of course, everything went bad.

When Mad Max: Fury Road appeared, I was very much there to see it and loved it… even if I felt Tom Hardy was somewhat miscast in the Max role. It just felt like the character was written as an older Max, which would have fit well with Mel Gibson’s age at the time the film was being made.

Still, this wasn’t a fatal problem and I enjoyed the film… even as I feel The Road Warrior remains my favorite Mad Max film.

Fast forward to the news of Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga and I was certainly curious but, I have to admit, I wasn’t dying to see it.

Yesterday I wrote about how Furiosa is seriously underperforming/bombing at the box office and offered some ideas as to why this might be. Truthfully, I feel there has been a shift away from the movie going experience and I genuinely wonder if this shift might prove permanent in spite of movies here and there succeeding.

But after posting, I wondered why I, a fan of the Mad Max films (generally!) wasn’t feeling all that crazy about going to see Furiosa myself.

Granted, I’m at a point in my life that it’s tough to carve out time to go see a film. I could do so, mind you, but I have other things I’m focused on. Truthfully, I don’t see television as much as before either.

Regardless, I was curiously unenthused to go see Furiosa and, rather than focus on why others may not have wanted to go see the film, I wondered why to me it didn’t feel like a “must watch”.

Let me start with the advertisements/trailers. They didn’t do all that much for me, frankly. They sure did look like director George Miller was repeating himself. The “look” of the film was almost the same as that of Fury Road only more CGIed… which was a turnoff.

I know, I know: What did I expect from a film that was supposed to be a prequel to Fury Road? Things couldn’t be radically different looking, could they?

I suppose not but still… it didn’t feel like there was anything terribly new to see in this new film. Certainly nothing we hadn’t seen in the last.

Then there was the issue of the story being a “prequel”. Somewhere deep in my mind this too was a turnoff. Did I really want to see how Furiosa came to be what she was in Fury Road?

As someone who has written a novel series that bounces around in time, I wanted to make sure any/all of the novels offered a unique and new experience.

In the case of Furiosa, there’s not much “there” there with regard to her story. I figured we’d see how she lost her arm and became a valuable driver. I figured we’d find the paradise she was stripped from and wanted to get back to in Fury Road.

But, again, was that enough to justify a full 2 hour and thirty minute long film?

It seemed a little much, frankly.

Here’s the thing about writing stories: Authors fall in love with their works. Given the amount of time it usually takes to write a story one is satisfied with, one has to love one’s works.

However one also has to be cold about the process. One should second guess what they’re doing constantly. Does this work? Does this not?

You can’t just type away -a form of verbal diarrhea- and expect everything will work.

When I write, I tend to be very cold about my works. I tend to cut things out and, yes, there have been passages I’ve loved which were eventually deemed unnecessary and were stripped away and likely will never be seen.

I fear that Furiosa is one of those fancy concepts that, as Miller was coming up with the idea of Fury Road, he came up with the back story for Furiosa and so loved it he wanted to bring it to life.

The problem was that as good as these back story concepts were, Fury Road was successful -indeed terrific!– without the need to delve into all that minutia.

Hell, Max’s “origin” is presented in Fury Road in a crisp thirty or so second fever dream and we don’t really need to see much more.

Was it really necessary to give so much time to Furiosa?

I will eventually see the film. Hopefully, I’ll find myself on the side of those who felt the film was damn good.

Still, I wish George Miller pushed the story forward and gave us something set further in the future of Fury Road rather than looking back.

The Blog of E. R. Torre