What is wrong with these people…?

Article from Huffington Post regarding some rather…uh…strange statements made by General William Boykin to the conservative Wallbuilders Pro-Family Legislation Conference regarding his personal vision of the second coming of Christ and how this time, he’ll arrive armed with an…AR-15 assault rifle?!?


Taking away for the moment the fact that this speech was delivered to a supposedly “pro-family” group, one wonders what contaminants are in the good General’s tap water.

Which brings to mind one of my favorite Stanley Kubrick films, the 1964 feature Dr. Strangelove or: How I Stopped Worrying And Learned To Love The Bomb.  In it, we have a procession of bizarre characters, not least of which are the two very twisted U.S. military higher ups played brilliantly by George C. Scott and Sterling Hayden.  Given that Dr. Strangelove was a comedy, one figured such characters didn’t -indeed, couldn’t– exist in real life, right?

After reading the section of General Boykin’s speech presented in the above link, one realizes Dr. Strangelove wasn’t all that far from reality…a very scary thought indeed.