This n’ that and…Corrosive Knights!

First, my apologies for the dearth of posts of late.  Unfortunately, “real life” is pressing in on me, time-wise, and I simply don’t have the freedom to post as often as I have before.  By the later parts of April, however, the things keeping me from the computer should resolve themselves and I’ll be back to posting more regularly.

Secondly, as of yesterday I finished my sixth full read and revision of my latest Corrosive Knights book and…the opening 80 percent of this book is just about done.  All I could find in the first 150 of the 188 pages of the book (single spaced, 10 point) were small grammatical issues and a couple of examples of repetitious dialogue and/or descriptors.  Nothing big.

Which leaves me with the final 38 or so pages.

Now, they’re pretty good, too, but after this latest reading I realized there was a little more work to be done here.  This is the book’s climax and resolution and it needs to be as razor sharp as what preceded it and, at this moment, I’ve got a few reveals that need to be better timed as well as a couple of descriptive passages that need a little more work.  I think two more drafts should do the trick.

Therefore my guesstimate for the release of this book is another two months at the very most.

Meanwhile, I’ll keep my fingers crossed!