New Book Update 8/14/24

It’s been… something.

A long time working on two projects at the same time -full disclosure, one of them I’ve done most of my work but do slip in here and there to do some other stuff- and dealing with all kinds of other issues.

It’s been, frankly, exhausting.

I don’t expect nor want sympathy, but it’s tough to work as much as I do and without much of a break between projects/jobs and keep the proverbial flame going bright.

Two days ago I finished putting in the 6th draft revisions of my latest novel. I find the first half of the book quite good and maybe not needing much more work. The second half of the book, however, did need more attention. The elements, mind you, are all there but it felt like I needed to smooth over things and explain other things a little better. There were the usual bugs I have to clean up, from redundant sequences (a favorite of mine, it seems… writing a sequence only to then write it again in another section of the story!) to sequences that could use a little -or a lot!- of tightening.

Either way, I just finished printing out the second half of the novel and intend to give it a good hard look, fix up what I can, put it into the computer, then print the whole thing out and go into the full draft.

It feels like I’m nearing the end here and I’m generally very happy with what I’ve written.

Now, if the world can stop collapsing around me for a bit so I can focus on that…!