First Glimpse of New Fantastic Four Costumes…

I found the following picture on ( which shows Michael B. Jordan (Johnny Storm, aka The Human Torch) on the set of the new “reboot” of The Fantastic Four:

First Glimpse Of Fantastic Four Costumes Reveals A "Cronenberg-ian" Look

Count me among those that are confused and -now- disturbed by this upcoming film.  If this is the new Fantastic Four outfit, it certainly looks absolutely nothing like what was presented in the original books.


Add to the fact that in the above link the director talks about making the film “Cronenberg-ian” and I’m really, really confused.

Sometimes one uses a book or a comic book more as an inspiration for the movie you’re making than adhering to the original source.  Sometimes, that works.  Men In Black, for instance, was almost nothing like the original comic book and the end result, I believe, was for the better.

But Men In Black was a little known comic book and The Fantastic Four is quite the opposite.  The Fantastic Four are a very well known and established entity.  The comic books are beloved by many fans because of the elements found in them.

While you can find similarities in the Fantastic Four to other superhero concepts, it is quite a stretch -at least for me- to look at any of the fifty or so year history of the book and think there are elements within it that are “Cronenberg-ian”.

Of course, I haven’t seen the film yet.  Indeed, like most people out there, the above picture and the cast/creator listings are the only things I know about it so far.  Perhaps the film will surprise me and be something fresh and exciting and, despite much evidence to the contrary, adhere to the spirit of the Stan Lee/Jack Kirby books this film is supposedly based on.

But at this moment, I have grave doubts.