Welcome to the future…welcome to today

So a French TV network got hacked big time earlier in the day.  Of the 11 channels it has, it’s regained control of one of them.  Oh, and all their social media material was also hacked.  Click on the link for details:


I’ve mentioned before my feelings -both good and bad- regarding the rapidly changing economy thanks to the arrival of computers and the internet.

One of the biggest negatives of the interconnectivity people/businesses have is the fact that somewhere out there might lurk very clever people with some deeply dark thoughts.  And so it is that today I’m reading about hacking a major French TV network.

Will one day we read about an airplane that was hijacked electronically and forced to land (or worse!) somewhere other than its intended destination?  I see the writing on the wall and know that we’re soon going to have driverless cars.  But what if someone hacks into the programming that drives these vehicles?  Could you picture the mass chaos?

But let’s think bigger: What if someone should hack into a city’s electric grid?  Or a government’s military?

No wonder the field of cyber security is a booming one.