Rocket Man…

Every generation has its share of fascinating people.  Be they artists, politicians, inventors, or businessmen, they emerge and, sometimes, transform the world around them.

If you were to ask me who is the most fascinating such person around today, I’d have to go with Elon Musk.  Using a fortune built on the internet (he was behind the creation of Paypal), Mr. Musk has devoted himself to three fascinating areas: Space travel, sustainable energy, and electric cars (The last two are somewhat interrelated).  Its no wonder he was partly the basis for Robert Downey Jr.’s Tony Stark/Iron Man.

If you want to learn a little more about him, there is a fascinating article/review of Mr. Musk’s biography by Will Oremus on Slate magazine and it offers some choice bits about the man.  I was particularly amused by the author noting some have compared Mr. Musk to Apple’s Steve Jobs and his (perhaps) sarcastic answer to that comparison.  The fact is that Mr. Musk is involved in technology on a level much higher than just about anything (at least so far) that Apple has done…and believe it or not I don’t say this to denigrate Apple!

Like him or not, Mr. Musk is dabbling into technology that has the potential to change for the better (one hopes!) humanity while Apple’s focus is on building wonderful gadgets that people like to use to communicate and entertain each other.

If you’re interested in reading more about Mr. Musk, check out the link below:

What Fuels The Rocket Man?