Yet more on self-driving cars…

I know, I know…I’ve devoted an awful lot of space around here to the driverless/self-driving car articles.  If you’re tired of reading these articles, scroll on because here’s another one.

In this case, it involves Elon Musk and his Tesla autopilot…and the fact that he’s already testing it, along with the limits of his version:

Elon Musk Is Already Driving His Tesla on Autopilot.  Would You?

As I’ve stated before, I’m absolutely fascinated with the concept of self-driving vehicles and feel this will be as big a game changer, society-wise, as we’ve seen since the advent of the personal computer/internet (which for better or worse has radically changed almost all aspects of our being as well).

I’m becoming more and more convinced the mass production and use of self-driving cars is just around the corner.  Perhaps in another five years or so we’ll see many of them on the streets of all major cities.  And maybe five years after that people will no longer care to own a car at all and will use self-driving cars they summon via their smartphones.

Interesting times.