Stories of Restaurant Customers…

…Who Weren’t Supposed To Eat That:

For the most part, love reading these stories.  Many are quite humorous, others quite horrifying.  All are told from the point of view of those who work in the restaurants and what their client’s asked for, what they got, and what they ate.

I’ll add a story of my own, though I never worked in a restaurant and therefore offer this from the perspective of a client.

Many years ago, when I was living in South America, my father and I took a co-worker of his for lunch to a restaurant specializing in steaks.  It is the only memory I have of going to eat lunch with my father and a co-worker so I guess I must have been out of school at the time and tagging along with him.

This co-worker had recommended the steak restaurant and raved about its food to us.  As neither of us had been to this restaurant before that moment, we followed this man’s lead and let him order first.

My father’s co-worker asked for a certain type of steak and added he wanted it “extra grasoso”.  What that means is “extra greasy”.  Mind you, we are talking the mid to late 1970’s here, well before any concept of “healthy” food.

My father and I, as mentioned, followed the co-worker’s lead and recommendation and asked for the same.

When the meal arrived, it was an impressive enough looking thick, grilled steak.  It smelled good and certainly looked good and we cut into it and began the meal.

My very first piece of the steak, it would turn out, had a chunk of fat on it, though I didn’t realize it at that moment.  No, I realized it when I took my very first bite of the piece and it was like I hit (pardon the language) a fucking gusher.

My mouth was suddenly filled with a nauseating amount of grease.

There was no way I would take that down so I grabbed my cloth napkin, which thank the Gods was dark red, and pretended to wipe my mouth while spitting the whole nasty thing out.  Because of the dark color of the napkin, it was impossible to tell what evil lay within it.

I don’t believe I ate any more of that super greasy steak but recall my father’s co-worker happily -and very quickly!- taking his down.  When I looked to my side and at my father’s meal, I noticed he too barely touched any of his steak.

As the years pass, I can’t help but wonder what happened to this man.  He was quite young at that time, at least five to ten years younger than my father.  Given his atrocious dietary interests, I wonder if he’s still alive or succumbed to some kind of extreme arterial blockage many years before.

Regardless, I can only hope that that restaurant and its “extra greasy” steaks didn’t survive too terribly long, though I have to say this in their defense: They served exactly what was asked for!