
It’s difficult to write about what happened over the past weekend in France.

I mean, what is there for someone like me to add?

The situation is all manners of horrifying and enraging and sad and words are insufficient to lay out the depth of feelings I, and I’m sure many others, have regarding what happened.

It takes me back to 9/11, to turning on the television and seeing the news of a fire (that’s what I thought it was at first) at the World Trade Center and then hearing a plane crash was the cause of the fire.

No sooner did I find that out when the second plane hit the other tower and the network talking heads knew we were well past a possible tragic accident.

But the very worst feeling, when I struggled not to throw up, was when the first of the two towers fell.  I believe Peter Jennings was talking at that moment about the planes hitting and somesuch and he wasn’t aware of what was happening on screen at that very moment as the first of the two towers fell.

That day was shocking, but so too was what came afterwards.

I was never a fan of then President George W. Bush and his administration’s drumbeat to invade Iraq, which began right after the events of 9/11, struck me as strange given those responsible for that atrocity were, the experts said, in Afghanistan.

I sorry, I don’t mean to go off on a tangent, though like dominoes one could argue one event lead into another and another and another.

What happened on 9/11 was horrific and so too was what happened in France.  I just hope the nations of the world and their leaders go after and get those who were responsible first and foremost and we break this deadly chain.