About the Republican debates…

I’ve mentioned before I don’t like to get into politics on this blog.  Especially nowadays when whatever you say becomes “fightin’ words” to those who are on the other side.

Having said that (you’ve been warned), there is no way I’d spend any of my limited free time in watching the Republican debates.  Based on the high level of crazy talk just about all the candidates have made, there is little point: I will not vote for any of the Republicans.  Not in a million years.

Sadly, there was a time not all that long ago when elections came up and I was interested in hearing from each candidate.  I would even give them proper consideration.

No longer.

The fact is that the strongest voices of the “right” wing have moved politics so far toward their direction that they’ve dragged almost every other candidate/politician with more moderate views their way.  I’ve mentioned this before and it bears repeating: In another time, Bill Clinton and (yes) Barack Obama would be considered moderate Republican politicians ala Dwight D. Eisenhower or Richard Nixon (minus the paranoia).

My great hope is this election finally knocks some sense into the public and the hateful, paranoid, backward politics get rebuked.  It happened before in the 1950’s and I’m hoping (praying!) history repeats itself.

We’ll see.

Alright, I’m getting off my soapbox now…