Enough with the Politics!

Ok, maybe not quite yet.  On this “Super Tuesday”, I found this fascinating article by William Saletan which, in my opinion, presents probably the clearest description yet of the strange (to my eyes anyway) anti-Obamaism going on in the Republican Party and why it may have helped in the creation of a Donald Trump, “serious” candidate:

Ross Douthat says Obama Created Trump.  That’s Nuts.

A great article and, again, one that I feel goes a long way in explaining the strange (to many pundits) rise of Donald Trump.

One element I believe was lacking from the article was this: Say what you will but Donald Trump -and there are plenty of negatives to say about him- he nonetheless has a fiery energy about him that none of the other Republican candidates are able to match.  Understand, I’m not advocating Donald Trump for President (indeed, should he become president I fear for this country), but let’s face facts here: As childish, bigoted, and churlish as he is, he’s run laps around many of the other candidates in terms of energy and fevered emotion.

He took down Jeb! Bush without breaking a sweat and now Marco Rubio appears to be trying to fight Trump on his own level…a big mistake.

The way it looks from here and now, it appears we’ll have a Trump vs. Hillary Clinton race (barring any unforeseen events).  What’s most curious and coincidental about this whole election is that as “good” as Mr. Trump has been within this Republican nomination process, arguably he’s faced his absolute roughest times against strong women (whether journalists or candidates) and wouldn’t you know it, if he does become the Republican Presidential Candidate, who might he go up against?

A very strong woman.

If that’s the case, then my prediction is that Hillary Clinton will become the first female President of the United States.

But we’ve still got a long way to go…