On politics…

As Al Pacino said in The Godfather Part III:

Seriously, how could I not comment on the fact that in last night’s Republican Debate…

Donald Trump Defends Size of his Penis

Seriously?  Apparently so…

I fear for this country…I seriously do.

As Woody Allen said, Eighty Percent of Success is showing up.

At this point, it appears we have what looks to be -barring any unforeseen circumstance- a Hillary Clinton versus Donald “The Duck” Trump race and the simple fact that he’s there (see Woody Allen’s quote, re-read Woody Allen’s quote, be Woody Allen’s quote) scares the living crap out of me.

Anything can happen once the race is down to one Democratic and one Republican candidate and that’s reason enough to fear for this country’s future.

There are those that have welcomed Donald Trump and his possible formal nomination to being the Republican Presidential Candidate.  These people are certain his candidacy will be such a flame-out and the Republicans will suffer such loses that they might finally wake up and throw the extremists from their party.

I can’t help but re-read that Woody Allen quote and shake my head.

I hope they’re right.  I hope the Republicans finally, finally realize they’ve gone too far and, further, I hope this election proves such a paddling to them that they have no choice but to reject the extremists.

I really hope so.

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