Mildly interesting tidbit…

It’s been a very long time since I cared about the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise.  In fact, I liked the first movie and that was pretty much that.  I saw the second film (remember nothing about it) and maybe a bit of the third when it aired on TV.

Nonetheless, this news regarding the (gulp) fifth movie in the franchise proved, as stated above, mildly interesting…

Paul McCartney Joins Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales

The reason I point the article out is not so much for the story -good on Paul McCartney taking on the role…hope he has a blast- but rather for a clever comment posted by “Steve”, one of the readers of the article.  I’ll reproduce it here in full:

Considering the title -= dead men tell no tales, there will be in jokes that only old people and Beatles fans will get, that Paul’s character will be named Billy Shears, rumored to be dead and replaced with a lookalike and his outfit will look similar to the costume he wore on the Sgt Peppers album.

If that would happen, it would be clever.  Even if only us “old folks” will get the joke.

Still don’t think I’ll see the film!