Corrosive Knights, a look back and forward

Yesterday I presented the cover to what will be Book #6 in the Corrosive Knights series.  I’m still doing revisions on the book but feel we are quickly approaching its eventual release.

With that in mind, I wanted to re-present a post I originally wrote on November 5, 2015 regarding the Corrosive Knights series in general (you can read the original post here).

As this is a re-presentation, I’ve taken the liberty of going over it and cleaning it up a bit.  I suppose this could serve as a FAQ of sorts and maybe I’ll post it as such on my website.


The scope of the story in the Corrosive Knights series is incredibly large, taking place over the course of some 20,000 plus years.  Readers are offered individual and for the most part contained stories which, nonetheless, eventually form a march larger story.

While there have been plenty of stories out there featuring flashbacks and flash-forwards, I think its safe to say no book series -at least none that I’m aware of!- features entire novels that take place in sometimes vastly different times, past and the future, while (hopefully!) logically building up to that larger tale.

The five Corrosive Knights books plus the one I’m currently working on have been/will be released -and ideally should be read- in this order:

Corrosive Knights Covers

I say “ideally” but I’m not being entirely honest: The the first three books of the series,Mechanic, The Last Flight of the Argus, and Chameleon could be read in any order.  They feature unique characters and take place in vastly different times while presenting a very complete story and therefore one could read them in any order they choose.

However, by the time you reach NoxGhost of the Argus, and the still unnamed Book #6, the continuity established in these first three novels kicks in and, while I think the later books could be enjoyed on their own, I HIGHLY recommend you read books 1, 2, and 3 before venturing into the ones that follow.

Now, if I were to tell the Corrosive Knights story in chronological order, i.e. each book’s main story occurring “one after the other” (and ignoring whatever flashback elements are presented within said novels), the story order would go like this:

Corrosive Knights in Chronological Order

That’s right: The book I’m currently working on, #6 of the Corrosive Knights series, actually takes place before the events of The Last Flight of the Argus and Ghost of the Argus.  In fact, they take place a few hundred years before those books!  Yet I would absolutely NOT recommend anyone read that book when it is released in a few short months before already reading the rest of the series and, in particular, The Last Flight of the Argus and Ghost of the Argus.


Because the events of those two books in particular fill in story concepts which have a big payoff in Book #6 and propels the reader into the Corrosive Knights series finale, which will be Book #7.

Fear not, thought.  There will be an epilogue to the series, a Book #8, which will wrap certain things up that weren’t/aren’t wrapped up in Book #7.  Book #8 will also offer what I hope is a great long view of the heroes we’ve followed for so long while focusing on one in particular.  To further screw with your head, I’ve already finished the first draft of Book #8 but only have a chapter or so written (along with a general idea of the story) of Book #7.

Not only is my series presented in a quirky temporal way, so too it would appear is my creative output!


So there you have it.  I thank you for your patience in waiting for the release of each new book in this series.  If I could somehow magically speed up time and get them done faster, trust me I would.

But the books have a habit of taking their time in getting done, not unlike a slow cooked meal.  I refuse to “hurry” things up to the point where I’m releasing a work I know I could “do better” with.

Book #6 in the series is close to being done and when it is, you’ll be the first to know.