15 Under-The-Radar Movies You Won’t Want to Miss this Summer

A few days back (you can read the post here) I wrote about an article noting the 13 upcoming “blockbusters” of this summer’s movie season.  Here’s a second list, also provided by Huffingtonpost.com and written by Matthew Jacobs involving…

15 Under-The-Radar Movies You Won’t Want To Miss This Summer

Clearly none of these films will earn Captain America: Civil War-type box-office, but some are indeed intriguing and could be worth your while.  For me, I’m curious about the insane sounding The Lobster, the equally insane sounding Swiss-Army Man, and the eerie looking The Neon Demon.

But there’s one film on this list that, frankly, I’m having a very hard time getting my head around.  I mean, is this film some kind of joke?  It can’t be what it purports to be, right?  There has to be more that…

But I’m getting ahead of myself.  The film in question is called Nine Lives and it features Kevin Spacey, Christopher Walken, and Jennifer Gardner and involves…seriously, words can’t describe it.  Here’s a teaser trailer:

And here’s the longer trailer which gives you more of this movie’s “plot”…

No, I will not be going to see it.  The fact that the producers of this film somehow got both Kevin Spacey AND Christopher Walken involved in this…

Seriously, words fail me.