
Avert yer eyes!  I’m about to get political!!!

Anyway, I really, honestly, try not to get into politics yet keep falling back into it.

What, is there like an election about to happen or something?!

Anyway, the Republicans are in the midst of coming up with their convention “platform”, ie, the things Republicans stand for/against.

In this case and via an article written by Liz Goodman for Yahoo, they have decided…

Porn is a “public health crisis” and a “menace”

This, my friends, is but an example, IMHO, of why the Republican party is in as much trouble as it is.  The amendment, offered by Mary Forrester, a delegate from North Carolina, makes the mistake of conflating child pornography with pornography, as if the two were somehow completely and totally interlocked.  The former is clearly illegal and anyone involved in such activities deserves, other than the innocent underage victims, deserves to get jail.  The later is an activity conducted by consenting adults.  I’m not saying everyone who has ever been involved in the porn business comes out of it “fine”, but there are many in the business who enjoy what they do and have few regrets.

As far as child pornography, it is indeed illegal and I’ve read more stories than I care to about people -some who present society with a respectable face- being caught in stings thinking they were about to hook up with an underage individual or were caught with child pornography in their computers.

Again, child pornography is insidious and ILLEGAL and it should be.  But child pornography does not define pornography in general, and if one has to explain that to people, well, jeeze.

But perhaps the worst part of this story is its timing.  Here you have the Republican party platform announcing pornography is a “public health crisis” and a “menace” and yet, given the frightful news of the past weekend…where does this party stand on the issue of guns?

You know, those items too many crazed individuals -actual menaces– have used to barbaric effect to kill people?  To, you know, create a “public health crisis”?

If pornography, to the Republican Party, is a “public health crisis” and a “menace”, then what about all these weapons?

The silence regarding that topic is deafening.

Ok…getting off my soapbox in…


