You make your bed…

Yes, I’m getting into politics again.

Run for the hills.

For those still left, the situation with Donald Trump is perhaps one of the more fascinating to come around in recent times.

Terrifying, I’ll grant you, but fascinating nonetheless.

There were many, IMHO, highlights in the Democratic Convention from last week, from the emotional and beautiful Michele Obama speech to Cathy Giffords.  But there was one speech that reverberated above almost all others, that of Khirz Khan and his wife, who lost their son back in 2004 while serving in Iraq…

Bizarrely and perhaps all-too-expectedly, Donald Trump went after Mr. Khan and his wife.  Thus far (its Monday, August 1st), he hasn’t backed down.

As I said above, that was perhaps to be expected.  If nothing else, Mr. Trump is an attacker.  He attacks anyone that tries/dares to go after him in any way.  And let’s be very clear here: Attacking has helped him considerably up to last week.  They certainly helped him when he brilliantly took down party favorite Jeb! Bush by calling him “low energy”.

However, we’ve moved beyond the primaries and, as is often the case, when you get past the party’s most faithful and begin addressing the country in general, things that may work on the smaller scale of a primary might not work on a larger one.

It appears this may well be happening to Mr. Trump.

Suddenly, he has to answer questions regarding the world in general and, at least so far, his “answers” regarding things like Russia have been troublesome.  Further, while Ms. Clinton is certainly a prime target to fight, going after people like the Khans is unwise and, to many, beyond the pale.

Because he is the figurehead/candidate for the Republican party, many “big” names in that party have been very reticent to directly criticize Mr. Trump’s more outlandish comments.  While Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan offered criticism, they did so without mentioning the highly important identity of who they came from.

Which gets those cynical with politics in general shaking their heads.

The Republicans (and Democrats in their own way) look after their own, even if they have to hold their nose while doing so.

All is not lost, however.  This morning, John McCain becomes the first high level Republican office holder to not only criticize the comments of Mr. Trump, he mentions him by name:

John McCain: Donald Trump defamed Khan, does not represent GOP

Despite the hard words sent Mr. Trump’s way, Mr. McCain hasn’t taken back his endorsement of his candidacy for President.

Perhaps he’ll do so the next time Mr. Trump puts his proverbial foot in his mouth?