Meanwhile, at the Olympics…

There’s been plenty of -mostly bad- press regarding Brazil in the build up to the Olympics.  The focus on the pollution, crime, etc. present in that country have been depressing.

However, the Olympics themselves appear to be, at least so far, well presented with only a minimal amount of “bad” news regarding the venue.

One of the stranger things to come was reported in this article:

Olympic kayaker capsizes after hitting a sofa

There is some question as to the validity of this story, that a kayaker on a practice run capsized after bumping into a submerged sofa, but it was a weird/amusing story so there you have it.

If the above isn’t true, the following most certainly is:

No one knows why the Rio Olympics diving pool has mysteriously turned green

Here are some images of the pools.  As you can see, the water in one of them is indeed green:

This wasn’t always the case as it seems the color changed overnight.  Here is a comparison of the pool’s color from one day to the next:

And here’s a longer shot of what the diving pool looked like before the color change:

I’ve read that this could be related to copper tubing but what do I know.

Fascinating stuff, though!