
At least to me!

World’s oldest snowshoe found on glacier in Dolomites

The article, written by Nick Squires and found on The Telegraph, is self-explanatory.  I don’t want to steal too much of the article’s thunder (you should read it!) but I will give away a few details:

The show is thought to be 5800 years old, meaning it was used in and around 3800-3700 B.C.

What is really fascinating is that it was found close to where the famous “Oetzi” body was found.  This is the mummified hunter discovered 25 years ago..

Image result for otzi images

Though its tempting to think the snowshoes might have belonged to Oetzi, this is very likely not the case as he died in the snow perhaps five hundred years after the snowshoe was made.

Still, it indicates there were people in and around the area during that time and, “thanks” to Global Warming, other artifacts long buried in the glaciers might surface.

Fascinating, fascinating stuff.