Corrosive Knights, a 9/16/2016 update

As of yesterday I read through the material I felt needed to be reviewed in my latest Corrosive Knights book, which will be #6 in the series (still keepin’ the title a secret)…

Corrosive Knights Book #6

As I mentioned in my last update, I felt roughly 1/2 of the book was ready to go but needed to focus on the other 1/2 and this is what, as of yesterday, I did.  What excites me is the fact that apart from maybe 4-5 chapters which I will go over again, I feel much of this half of the novel, after I finish the latest revision, will also be good to go.

So the process moves along and we get nearer and nearer to me being satisfied with the entirety of the work.

For those counting, I consider myself doing draft #11a.  I designate is “a” because I’m not doing the full novel.  I’ll type up my revisions in the next few days, print out the sections I feel still need another look, and its off to draft #11b!