Corrosive Knights – Foundry of the Gods

As of today, 11/8/16, I have the paperback version of Foundry of the Gods “in review” and should become available for purchase by later today or early tomorrow.

The Foundry of the Gods ebook is now listed with the other five books of the series under the Corrosive Knights Amazon link:

Corrosive Knights (6 Book Series)

Even more exciting, as of today I’ve experienced something I haven’t experienced before:  I have book sales simultaneously listed for the United States, UK, France, Canada, and Australia!

I’ve had sales for my books throughout the world but this is the first time I’ve seen sales appear simultaneously in five different countries and, for that, I want to thank those out there in these countries for giving my works a try.  I sincerely hope you enjoy what I’ve made!

Next step: Update my main webpage.  Should do that at least every time I write a new book, no? 😉
