Corrosive Knights, a 11/18/16 Update – First Update for Book #7

So its been a few days since I’ve a) finished and released FOUNDRY OF THE GODS, the sixth book in the CORROSIVE KNIGHTS series and b) since I got my website re-made and the blog problems settled.

I could sit back, take it easy for the rest of the year and catch up on some of the video games I’ve bought but haven’t had time to play (Battlefield 1 and Fallout 4 being the two predominant ones) or, likewise, catch up on movies I’ve rented/bought but have also let slide (I just picked up the digital version of the extended cut of Suicide Squad and want to see if that improves upon that very flawed film in any way and also have Captain America: Civil War waiting for me along with at least a dozen other films I’m curious to check out), or, likewise redux, catch up on some books I’ve picked up and have waiting for me in my Kindle…

But who am I kidding?

Finishing FOUNDRY OF THE GODS was an incredible rush, especially after having worked on it for just a little over two years, and now that its done I’m juiced to get to the next novel in the series, #7, which will be the conclusion to the main CORROSIVE KNIGHTS storyline.

Mark this date on the calendar, I certainly will: Today is the day I formally start that book.  I’ve already done quite a bit of work on it, from using the index card app to build a rough plot outline to actually writing a few chapters of the book when I was free enough to do so.

Will this book take me two years to write as well?  I suspect it might not, only because I already have so much material squirreled away and ready.  With FOUNDRY, I started almost completely from scratch with a start and ending and little else.  With Book #7, I also have a start and end planned out but also some good stuff for the middle sections.

When all is said and done, I also suspect this book will be one of the longest ones I write, longer perhaps than THE LAST FLIGHT OF THE ARGUS, which is currently my longest book, wordcount-wise.

But enough gabbing.

Time to write!