That Alex Jones interview…

If it wasn’t for the internet, I’d never have heard of Alex Jones.

Other than clips presented on TV shows here and there, I’ve never heard a single one of his shows though based on the various articles out there it seems he’s another of those far right wing radio personalities who subscribes to some very out there, IMHO, conspiracy theories.

Including the “theory” that the tragedy of Sandy Hook, where a 20 year old mentally disturbed individual killed 20 children and six teachers, was somehow a hoax.

Let that thought sink in.

20 young children were killed and six teachers.

And Mr. Jones has stated he feels it was all a hoax perpetrated by actors and…


Anyway, Megyn Kelly, late of Fox News and now over at NBC, has an interview show and, of course, ratings to deliver.  Her first show featured her interviewing Vladimir Putin -a coup for sure.

In her second (it is, right?) show, she’s going to feature an interview with Mr. Jones and the protests have begun to such a degree that at least one advertiser, J. P. Morgan, has decided to pull their monies from the episode…

J. P. Morgan Removes NBC Ads Over Megyn Kelly Interview With Alex Jones

It worries me that in this age of instant communication there are voices out -sometimes with wildly cynical and/or conspiratorial themes- that nonetheless manage to gain a certain fanbase.

I don’t know if interviewing Alex Jones in such a setting is a good thing.  Perhaps if he’s exposed for the crackpot he appears to be this could be a good thing but, on the other hand, to give him such a large platform might get others to glom onto him.

Such a weird world we live in.