
It’s tempting to say the usual lamentations and pointed criticisms…

But its also mind-boggling to witness the news regarding Charlottesville over the weekend along with the response from our “President” afterwards.

One life was lost when angry, ugly rhetoric gave way to -yes, oh yes– a terrorist act.  Our “President”, so quick to condemn any act, whether terrorist or not, that has even the faintest association with other nationalities or cultures, nonetheless found it near impossible to condemn Neo-Nazis that were marching over the weekend and, specifically, the Neo-Nazi who was responsible for killing Heather Heyer.

It’s… there just aren’t words.

No words at all.

To the family of Ms. Heyer, my sincerest condolences, for what its worth.

There remain a lot of good people out there and it remains my fervent hope that this darkness plaguing us will lift.

Soon, hopefully.