Jerry Lewis & Dick Gregory…

Two people who have been in my life one way or another have passed.

Jerry Lewis was 91 years old and, toward the end of his life, was rather notorious in his later years as a (let’s put it kindly) a crank.  His style of comedy, I must admit, wasn’t to my taste but it is undeniable he left behind a large legacy and plenty of comedians who were guided/inspired by him.

My greatest memories of him is for the muscular dystrophy telethons, which took over the TV back in the 1970’s and into the 1980’s and lasted for a solid 24 hours.  Mr. Lewis, toward the end of these telethons, was sometimes barely coherent but given the good he did during these events, one can’t help but admire him for that.

Dick Gregory also passed away.  He was 84 and also leaves behind a large legacy though, like Mr. Lewis, his biggest contributions to culture came a little before my time.  An African American comedian who was one of the very first to be able to perform in front of white audiences.  He was a civil rights activist and, occasionally, actor.

While neither individual personally touched me as they did so many others of the generation(s) before mine, its nonetheless worth given them their due.

Rest in Peace.