Sketchin’ 31

When I was much younger (way back in the stone age, natch), I very clearly remember the release of the subject of my latest sketch, Mel Gibson’s Mad Max from the incredible Mad Max 2 or, as it was known in the United States, The Road Warrior.

Back when the film was released, I was too young to see this “R” rated film without *ahem* adult supervision.  I nonetheless managed to see the film twice upon its initial release and was turned away a third time.

Ah well.

I still consider Mad Max 2/The Road Warrior one of the very best action films ever made, regardless of people’s current opinions -sadly, understandable- against Mr. Gibson.  I felt the latest Mad Max film, Mad Max Fury Road, would have been better served with Mr. Gibson, though please don’t take that as a slight against Tom Hardy, who took over the role.

It’s just that to me, Gibson is Mad Max and I personally feel he would have done better in the lead role… but that’s crying over spilled milk at this point.

So here he is, in all his glory, a very young Mel Gibson in the role that made him a star…