Politics… beware…

Once again I dip my toe into the subject that raises people’s ire and finds no easy medium.

But, does it seem like after last week (that terrible last week) that we’ve crossed some kind of line with regard to President Donald Trump and his shenanigans?

With the latest clash between Trump and Senator Corker and Trump and Secretary Tillerson, the later who supposedly called his boss a “moron” (or, if you believe some sources, a “f*cking moron”) along with the terribly delayed response to Puerto Rico’s emergency following being hit by a hurricane, and the silly stunt Vice President Pence performed at the Indianapolis football game this past Sunday and one gets the feeling that even many of those invested in Trump are perhaps tiring of his silliness, the incompetence, the general chaos, and starting to sour on him.

Indeed, even the startling, sickening news of Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein’s sexual deviance and eventual ouster from his own company has, ironically, cast the spotlight on something too many have chosen to ignore… and that is Donald Trump’s own history of sexual deviance.

Now I’m not naive.  I know there will always be those who stand behind the Donald.  To them, he can do no wrong.

But I’m curious if the Republican party… at least those who are serious about running the country, have maybe, just maybe had enough and, with Senator Corker speaking out, the proverbial dam has finally developed a leak.

Mr. Corker will remain in office until the midterm elections but now that he’s “unchained” from seeking votes, one wonders what’s next for him, and for the party that rode that tiger to this point.

Will that dam finally break?

Stay tuned.