Sketchin’ 33

A few days back I did a Mel Gibson Mad Max -from The Road Warrior aka Mad Max 2– sketch and…

…doing that one illustration didn’t scratch the itch.  Not entirely.

So…I know many people today can’t stomach Mel Gibson and, frankly, I can’t argue the point.  What he did, though it was an awful long time ago, was nonetheless nasty as hell.  Clearly Mr. Gibson was in a dark place fueled by what appears to be heavy drinking and his actions and statements are both hard to comprehend and even harder to forgive.

For me, I knew and loved much of Mr. Gibson’s work prior to his melt-down and the work he did before that moment, especially in The Road Warrior/Mad Max 2, was terrific stuff.

I suppose this is a case where I’ve divorced the work from the artist themselves, because even I have a hard time comprehending the things he did.

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