Corrosive Knights, a 11/14/17 update

We’re nearing the middle of November so why not give an update on Book #7 of my Corrosive Knights series?  And, while I’m at it, let me again post this nifty graphic showing the entirety of the series and the two books to come…

Alright, so here goes:

I’m still hard at work on revising the first full draft of the book.  The book has three parts which are roughly the same length:

  1. An intro which offers us a “the story until now” in as interesting/new a way as I can fashion it which leads to…
  2. The bulk of the story which leads to…
  3. Conclusion

I’ve finished going over that first part and I have to say, I really think it worked well.  There are parts presented which offer scenes found in earlier books but offered from different perspectives and, IMHO, it works so damn well!

I wish I could get into more details but to do so would be silly.  Today I embark on the second part of the story and, hopefully, soon enough I’ll have made my way through the entire book…

…at which time I begin all over again but with a hopefully far stronger overall work.

Exciting, exciting stuff!