About all these sexual harassment/assault stories of late…

Is it just me or does it appear every famous/sorta-famous male out there is a creep?

I’m glad women are, in this day and age, empowered to speak up about these things which, sadly, in the past were brushed under the rug.  I’m also alternately enraged and shaking my head at the growing list of people who have been accused of these types of acts.  Though clearly some of the revealed actions are far more heinous than others, I hope my fellow men view this as a teachable moment.

Men, think about what you’ve done in the past.  Take a good, hard look in the mirror and see if any of your actions when you were younger or -the Gods forbid- recently might fall into the category of sexual harassment or -the Gods forbid redux- assault.

And for fuck’s sake: Don’t do this sort of crap.  Don’t ever do this type of crap.  Behave.


At this point, either you do this or prepare yourself to face some potentially huge consequences.