Dolores O’Riordan, R.I.P.

Yesteday, while making the long drive home (we were out over the weekend), came the news that singer Dolores O’Riordan passed away at the very, very young age of 46.

Those unfamiliar with Ms. O’Riordan should acquaint themselves with her songs while fronting the band The Cranberries, a band which had its greatest influence in the 1990’s.  Some of their great hits:

Ms. O’Riordan’s voice/delivery were truly unique and these four songs presented above, arguably the band’s most popular, were spectacular works and it saddens me tremendously that she’s gone.

At this time, there is no information regarding the cause of her death.  Given her very young age and some stories I’ve found online -nothing terribly dark, mind you- one nonetheless can’t help but wonder if Ms. O’Riordan’s fallen victim to something that preys upon too many musical artists.

Regardless, the bottom line is that one of the most intriguing voices of that generation is stilled, and that’s a real shame.