This just might be too much…

…or perhaps not enough?

A few days ago IHOP (used to be called International House of Pancakes, but in this ADD era, it was shortened to this) noted it would change its name to…

Image result for ihob

IHOB, they announced, and then asked people to figure out what the “B” stood for.

I, and I’m sure many, many others, figured it would be “Breakfast”.  After all, they are a breakfast oriented and they don’t just serve pancakes, right?


The “B” turned out to stand for…

Image result for ihob


What the…

I mean, I’ve been to IHOP… er… IHOB a few times and, yes, I knew they had burgers and all but I can’t ever recall ordering a burger from them, given that the times I have gone to the place it was to get, you know, breakfast.  And burgers just ain’t on my regular breakfast menu.

Anyway, I mention this only to serve as background to this:

Burger King is trolling IHOB by claiming (with tongue firmly in cheek) they are now calling themselves…

Image result for pancake king

They’ve even posted some amusing twitter statements to that effect…

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Some more:

Image result for pancake king

You know, given some of the extremely grim news we’ve gotten today (don’t even get me started on the Trump’s Children Concentration Camps), I enjoyed getting at least one good laugh.