September the 10th…

For those living ’round the parts I’m living in, September 10 represents something pretty big.  The below graph shows you why…

Image result for hurricane season number of hurricanes by date graph

This graph, as you may surmise, shows the average number of hurricanes/storms encountered during a hurricane season.  September 10, today, looms quite large because this date is often referred to as the “peak” of the hurricane season.

And, ho boy, is that turning out to be the case this year.  After a very tranquil hurricane season 2018, things have gone into a super-overdrive these last few days, with a whopping THREE active hurricanes in the Atlantic as of this morning…


In the United States, the one that’s of particular concern is Florence.  She’s projected to hit along the South/North Carolina coast by a the end of this week:

cone graphic

She’s also predicted to be a MAJOR hurricane when she does hit.  Her wind speeds are projected to be in/around 140 mph.

Ladies and gentlemen: This is a VERY dangerous storm.  If you’re living in the general areas predicted to face it, please, please, please take this storm very seriously.

Be very careful and pay particular heed to any information and updates.

And though its only words, good luck out there.  As someone who’s lived through too many of these things, I feel for anyone who has to face these nasty events.