Corrosive Knights, a 10/4/18 update

As I mentioned in my last posting, I’ve been silent ’round these parts because I’ve been hard at work reading and pen/ink revising the latest draft, #9, of my latest Corrosive Knights novel…

As of today, I have finished the read-through and pen/ink revisions of this draft and, hopefully, by tomorrow or later today, being putting those revisions into my computer.

When I do, Draft #9 of Book #7 in this series will be completed and its off to Draft #10.

So, how does the book “read”?

Quite good.

There was very little I needed to add to the story.  What I did add amounted to some lines of dialogue and clarification to some descriptions but, otherwise, the plot is pretty well locked down.

The best thing of all was that it took me from last week Tuesday, the 25th of September, to today, October 4th, to read through the novel and write up my revisions.  That’s one week and two days worth of work, a very short amount of time given that in earlier drafts it would take me up to several months of time to get to a similar point!

The revisions that are to be made should, I believe, take me no more than two weeks to do.  They are for the most part small though there are two segments of the book that require more in depth work, and these will certainly require a little more time to do.

The big question again looms: How long before I feel the whole thing is done?

Well, the book will require a 10th draft, there is no doubt about that.  It will likely also require an 11th draft.  The question is will it require much more than that?  Will I once again go through 12 drafts before I feel the work is properly done?

Unfortunately, at this point I cannot answer that question, though I’ll likely have a better feel for how much more work the book needs once I start the read through of that 10th draft.

Regardless of all that, the work proceeds quickly now and the book is one more step closer to being done.

As I’ve said before and I’ll repeat here: Hang in there.  We’re almost at the finish line!