All the negative news of late…

…I mean, it’s exhausting and depressing and you feel so freaking bad about the way this country is going and then to see the “Commander in Chief” actively try to ignore all the fires he’s stoked, then switch gears and “blame” the media as if somehow they’re the ones culpable for the extremists and their actions.

The darkness exposed and, sadly, reinforced by the statements and non-statements of Mr. Trump are bad enough, but to see people die and find themselves in life threatening situations… it makes you despair.

But all is not lost.

I know its a cliche, but if you don’t like what’s happening, if you want change –real change- and a country and politicians you can be proud of who work for the good of people instead of those with the darkest of dark impulses, then VOTE.

It’s a cliche, I know, but VOTE.

Make yourself heard.

Make yourself count.

You should be doing this EVERY election.