Another month gone…

It’s been another spectacular month -at least for me!- with regard to people either buying or reading, via Kindle Unlimited, my novels.


I’ve been doing some backbreaking work these past few days getting a certain book ready for paperback printing…

Yep, though a digital/Kindle version of this graphic novel is available, I didn’t create a new paperback version since the original 2003 release.

That’s about to change.

In the past few days I’ve been putting together a new PDF file for this graphic novel and, as of yesterday, entered the relevent files to create a TPB which everyone can order.

Unlike the original paperback, the paper and print should be far, far nicer than the original version. Cleaner, brighter paper, and images that aren’t cut off.

A dirty little secret: When the original 2003 version of The Dark Fringe was printed and unbeknownst to me, the files I created of the pages wound up being a little bigger than they should have been. The person who set up the printing told me, after the fact, that he put as much of each page as he could in the trade paperback printing job but… some things were cut off. Minor elements quite literally at the edges, granted, but irritating nonetheless.

Here’s the thing: I fixed this with the digital/Kindle version but there is no actual paperback version of The Dark Fringe out there that looks the way it should.

That will change.

The new version I sent in has all the art elements as they should be and, as stated, the paper quality should be far better than the original.

I’ve already ordered proof copies of the new paperback version of The Dark Fringe and will likely get it early next week.

If all looks good, the book will be available for purchase at US $6.99 each copy. This is actually $3 less than the book was originally sold for back in 2003! Seems printing costs are coming down!

Anyway, more to come…!