Egg Boy…

Heard of him? His name is William Connolly and he achieved a level of internet/cultural super-stardom because he cracked an egg on the back of Australian Senator Fraser Anning’s head.

Why did he do this to this to Mr. Anning? Because Mr. Anning, a self-avowed White Supremacist, stated the horrific massacre of 50 Muslim worshipers in New Zealand a couple of days ago was somehow their own fault.

Don’t believe me? Check out this article by Andy Campbell and found on

Australian Senator Blames Muslims for New Zealand Massacre

So, Mr. Connolly, a 16 year old boy, cracked an egg on the back of Mr. Anning’s head and the resulting reaction by Mr. Anning and his people, as detailed in this article by Briana Ellison and found on

Punching a teenager over an egg really isn’t a good look for a politician

Here is a video of the entire encounter:

I thinks its fair to say no one likes the idea of assaulting people. I certainly don’t like the idea of someone hitting another person with a fist, an egg, a tomato, or whatever.

But you know what I hate even more?

Fifty people killed by a maniac with a semi-automatic weapon -and some 50 more in critical condition- and then hearing some loudmouth ignorant politician justify the actions of this homicidal maniac as the victims getting what they deserved.

An egging seems pretty tame in comparison.

But to some, the egging was a deadly sin. James Woods, no stranger to right wing frothing, denounced egg boy’s actions. So too did actor Dean Cain, who stated on twitter: I would have knocked that kid cold.

This led to plenty of criticism, much of which you can find in this article by Ed Mazza and found on (again)

Ex-Superman actor Dean Cain’s Hot Take on Egg-Boy

The pile on against Mr. Cain was swift and at times brutal.

I want to move away from Mr. Cain, Woods, and Anning and state: What the hell is going on with the world these days?

I worry the influence on current political figures and their at times subtle and at times in your face statements are having a negative effect on people. It seems like we’re unleashing people’s collective ids and, yes, it seems to coincide with the election of one Donald J. Trump.

I’m not saying he’s to blame for all this. The hatreds were clearly there, mostly under the surface, perhaps held back. But nowadays hearing people excuse the actions of terrible people, as Anning did, then somehow fault a relatively harmless action by a teenager as deserving a whipping, seems odd at best and scary at worst.

Mr. Cain, Mr. Woods, Mr. Anning: How in the world can you on the one hand seem relatively un-bothered by the cold-blooded murder of fifty innocent people in a house of worship (I don’t recall seeing any mention of them tweeting about that to any degree… if they did, my apologies) and then they get riled up with the mischievous and certainly non-lethal actions of a teenager?

The world has truly turned upside down.