
It’s been noted these times -the end of the year and the holidays associated with them- often sees a rise in depression and suicides.

Perhaps it is times like these when people assess what they’ve done in the year, or maybe they realize the strains on their relationships with family and loved ones.

Of late, I personally am finding reading the daily news very depressing. There’s the inanity of Trump, a man who should have never become president and who is single-handedly screwing up, it seems, not only the U.S. but the world itself with his craven, paranoid, idiotic rantings.

There are other news stories, of how people are destroying natural habitats and endangering so many species of animals and insects and… its heartbreaking to see.

Then, there’s stories like these, which on the surface is also sad but shows that some good comes when people care. From and written by Lee Moran:

Disney lets man with terminal illness see new Star Wars film before official release

Let’s not kid ourselves: The story is ultimately a sad one. The man in question is terminally ill with cancer and the Hospice he’s in felt he would not survive long enough to see the film when it is released December 20th.

However -and this is where the story becomes much nicer- the hospice staff made a few inquiries online and people got in touch with people in the know and ultimately a laptop was brought to the man’s Hospice which carried the yet-unreleased film. The man, along with his son, was thus able to see the new Star Wars film thanks to the generosity of Disney Corp.

I hope whatever time this gentleman has left will be pleasant, and I especially hope he had a great time watching the film with his son.