Tag Archives: Christopher Lee

Sketchin’ 7, 8, and 9

Sorry for the dearth of posts of late but I’ve been away for the past few days (University is starting which means I have to help my daughters move into their new digs).

While I haven’t been able to post quite as much as I want to, I have kept up with my illustrations and here you get three for the price of one, a real bargain!

First up, Lauren Bacall…

I think the piece came out only OK.  As I mentioned before, that’s the way it goes with artwork.  You can think something is working and then it mostly works -or not- but when you’re done, you move along.  Which I did…

Here’s Charles Bronson from The Dirty Dozen, a film that was clearly the inspiration to the comic book The Suicide Squad and, therefore, obviously the movie’s inspiration as well.  Only The Dirty Dozen presented a coherent plot! 😉

When I started this piece, I thought I would abandon it.  It just didn’t look like it was “working” for me.

And then, like magic, it did.

I won’t say this piece is one of my favorites -it feels like it would benefit from color especially given how “simple” it is- but I definately captured the Bronson “look”.


Ah, extreme success!

As I also stated before, sometimes you may just miss and sometimes you hit a home run.  Here, with this Christopher Lee Dracula picture, I feel I’ve hit a home run.

The image captures the frenzied, animalistic look of Mr. Lee’s Dracula, easily one of my favorite portrayals of the dark Count.  Love the feathering on this piece.

By the way, if I wasn’t clear about it before, let me do so here: All this was done using an iPad and an Apple Pencil on the Procreate program.  Though it may look like pen and ink, this is all computer images.


RIP Christopher Lee

The last of a truly intriguing group of British actors, Christopher Lee, has passed away at the age of 93:


There is no doubt as to my absolutely favorite Christopher Lee movie: 1973’s The Wicker Man.  Yes, he made a damn great Dracula and was a great villain in countless films (he was one of the more intriguing elements as the titular villain in the otherwise very dull -to me- James Bond film The Man With The Golden Gun), but his role in The Wicker Man has stayed with me every since I saw the film.

Sadly, when mentioning this particular film modern audiences may confuse it with the truly horrible 2006 Nicholas Cage remake of the same name.  That later film is rightfully scorned but the original is an absolute horror classic that tackles issues of faith and religion in a manner today’s studios wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole.

Here’s to you, Mr. Lee.  You’ve entertained people for many, many years and lived a long and very productive life.  In the end, that’s about all we can hope to do as well.