Tag Archives: Christopher Walken

Robert Wagner and Natalie Wood…

This is, frankly, shocking.

Ellie Shechet on Jezebel.com has the following article:

Robert Wagner has been named a “Person of Interest” in death of Natalie Wood

Back in 1981 there came the shocking news that actress Natalie Wood, known for roles in Rebel Without a Cause and West Side Story (among others) and then wife of Robert Wagner, disappeared from the family’s yacht and was later found drowned.

Aboard the yacht at the time was Robert Wagner, Christopher Walken, and Captain Dennis Davern.

Of course, there were plenty of rumors spread at that time regarding her death.  Christopher Walken, who as mentioned was on board the yacht, was starring with Mrs. Wood in the movie Brainstorm.  Were they involved in some other way?  Did this lead to some kind of confrontation between Wagner and Wood?  Were they simply partying too hard and she accidentally fell of the yacht?  More darkly: Was she pushed?

There were many questions but the case was essentially concluded as an accidental drowning and not much was made of it.

Yet the questions lingered.  It was reported that Wagner and Wood had an argument shortly before she disappeared.  People in a boat nearby stated they heard someone saying she was drowning.  True?  False?

Regardless, the case is being given another look and, as mentioned, Robert Wagner is now being listed as a “person of interest”.

Mr. Wagner will be 88 this month so even if something were to come of this new scrutiny it is doubtful he will face many/any consequences -if indeed any are merited!

If nothing else, the curious case of Mrs. Wood’s death seems like it’ll be back in the news again, a reminder of the sad ending of an extraordinary actress’ life.