Tag Archives: DC Movie Universe

Batman film a stand-alone?

Over at GQ magazine online, Joshua Riviera points out that…

The Batman Director Matt Reeves Says His Movie Isn’t Connected to Any Other Batman movies

Speculatin’, especially in light of the very recently announced Martin Scorsese produced Joker movie (which reportedly also won’t fit in with any other movie continuity), suggests that DC/Warners may be moving away from the continuity heavy movie releases -ala Marvel films- and instead hit audiences with films that may not be tied into one another.

There is speculation, and it is natural, that what lies behind this may be related to a) The Justice League film being “bad” and/or b) Ben Affleck wants out of the role.

While the Justice League film certainly has an interesting backstory regarding its making, there is an Aquaman movie being currently filmed which clearly is tied into the continuity and the Wonder Woman sequel, one would think, is still tied into the continuity as well.  However, reports released suggest the Flash film is taking on the Flashpoint storyline, which essentially resets the universe/continuity and could offer a way to reboot the DC superhero universe and, if necessary, remove actors who may not want to stay in their respective roles.

On the other hand, DC/Warner, unlike Marvel, has a pretty long -and successful- history of having films set in their own continuity.  The Christopher Reeves Superman films, regardless of their quality beyond the second one, were their own thing.  As was the Tim Burton/Michael Keaton Batman films.  As were the Joel Schumacher Batman films that followed them.  As were the Christopher Nolan films that followed them.

Many of these films made tons of money and were very successful.  Others less so.

Regardless, DC/Warners, unlike Marvel/Disney, has tasted considerable success with movies featuring their characters in their own proper continuity (Sony, who until recently owned the film version of the Spider Man character, had success with the Raimi movies and less so with the ones that followed, set in their own continuity).

Therefore, it might make more sense that they aren’t as enamored of the idea of continuity heavy films.

Sinister?  A sign of bad things regarding the Justice League film and Ben Affleck’s continued presence in the famous role of Batman?

Its certainly possible as well.