Tag Archives: Delta 75152 Shower Head

It ain’t sexy…

…but I really enjoy checking out recommended products presented in the various websites under what used to be Gawker.  Personally, I tend to check out i09.com or Gizmodo.com or Deadspin.com (a sports related website) but, as stated, they often check out/review products available on the internet and offer their recommendations…especially when said products are on sale.

Over at lifehacker.com (another of their websites), they offer a year end review of the products they’ve recommended and which ones sold the best…

The 16 Most Popular Products of 2016, as purchased by you

While the vast majority of the products listed I did not buy, there is one I would heartily offer an endorsement to, one that I didn’t even consider until seeing the review on one of those sites above and being intrigued if the product is as good as the reviewers stated.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the Delta 75152 Shower Head:

Again, we’re not talking about “sexy” new products or anything, but seeing this shower head and hearing what it does intrigued me.  If there’s one thing I like when showering it is a strong stream of water and the reviews stated this shower head offered a great stream.

So I ordered the Delta 75152 when it was on sale (I believe it was on sale for something like $17.  Its normal price is a little north of $20), got it, installed it (you can do this with your own two hands), and…wow.

At first I thought “Well, its an improvement but not really that big a deal” but as I used it more and more I realized: This is one hell of a shower head.  I wound up liking it so much I ordered a second and installed it in the guest bathroom!

So, again, we’re off the beaten path for things I usually discuss here but if you’re looking for a new shower head, one that delivers water in a strong, steady stream, check out the Delta.

You won’t be disappointed.