Tag Archives: Emile Leray

Well that’s interesting…

If you spend any amount of time on Reddit, you may find interesting stories like this one:

Man escapes African desert doom by turning wrecked car into DIY motorcycle

The above article, written by Meghan Neal and found on nydailynews.com, concerns Emile Leray, a Frenchman who found himself driving in a restricted area of Africa and twenty miles from the nearest village when he wrecked his car.

As the title of the article states, he then turned the wrecked car, a Citroen, into a motorcycle and used that to get himself to safety.

Granted I’ve spoiled most of the above article but you should give it a look-see for the various details.  I’ll spoil the article a little bit more and offer the following photograph, which shows the DIY motorcycle Mr. Leray made from his wrecked car: