Tag Archives: New Jersey

Holy crap…

Ok, going political here again so beware…

Incredibly, this is not about our President and whatever latest lunacy he’s engaged in, twitter or otherwise.

Instead, let’s check out the Governor of New Jersey, onetime future-face-of-the-Republican-Party-and-now-at-15%-approval Chris Christie, who because he could not come to a compromise on New Jersey’s budget closed down all governmental functions for the time being, including all public beaches.

However, that didn’t stop him from enjoying the beaches this July 4th weekend, which has Chris Cilliza over at CNN noting…

Chris Christie’s sunbathing pics clinch it: He’s stopped caring

The above photograph, found on Daniel Day’s Twitter page (he’s a correspondent for the Toronto Star), shows Mr. Christie and family at a deserted beach getting to enjoy what others could not.



Look, I understand there are those who will defend just about anything the “other side” does.  The Gods know I’ve probably been guilty of this at one time or another.

But this is truly beyond the pale and I just can’t imagine anyone, even the most staunchly Republican defender out there, explaining away Mr. Christie -and his family’s- incredibly tone-deaf actions here.

Once again: New Jersey has a budget impasse and the beaches (among other things) are closed down and as Governor, you are a large part of the reason for this happening.  People are understandably upset that they can’t go to their beaches and enjoy things they wanted to do this July 4th weekend.

So how do you, as Governor, decide its fine that so many of your constituents not enjoy themselves yet you go ahead and do what they cannot fully knowing -and if he doesn’t he’s a bigger fool than I thought- that its very likely someone will take a picture of you in front of your home on said beach?



The only explanation for this is that Mr. Christie is determined to get some kind of record low approval rating -an absolute zero by the looks of it- by the time he’s finally shown the door.