Tag Archives: Ridley Scott

The story that just keeps giving…

There’s so much in the news today -so much of it political!- but there was one story that broke yesterday that just has you shaking your head.

Matthew Dessem over at Slate.com writes about how…

Mark Wahlberg Was Paid $1.5 Million for All the Money in the World Reshoots; Michelle Williams Got Less Than $1,000

You remember the film All The Money In The World, right?  The Ridley Scott directed film that featured Kevin Spacey but, because of the controversy surrounding Mr. Spacey’s sexual harassment allegations, was clipped out of the film and Christopher Plumber was brought in at the very last minute to replace and re-film his scenes?

Well, co-stars Mark Wahlberg and Michelle Williams were also brought in to re-film scenes that once featured Spacey.

Here’s the thing: Ridley Scott stated that while the film crew and Mr. Plummer were paid, he, Wahlberg, and Michelle Williams came back for free… allegedly to keep the film’s budget reasonable.

Only as it now turns out, Mr. Wahlberg was paid quite handsomely for what amounted to 9 days of re-shoots… while his female co-star -and there’s no pleasant way to say this- got royally screwed.

Hell, it would have been better they gave her nothing and left her thinking she was doing this for “art” rather than reveal at this point her co-star received such a princely sum while she got next to nothing.

Truly a horrendous story and, I should hope, Mr. Wahlberg does something on his own to correct the situation.

Wouldn’t it be incredibly gracious of Mr. Wahlberg if he were to issue a statement that he didn’t realize his co-star was receiving so little compared to him for the re-shoots and went ahead and offered her half his re-shoot salary?

Having said that, what are the odds something like this actually happening?

One can dream, I suppose!