Tag Archives: Road to Hell Department

So much for that…

…or perhaps its one of those “road to hell is paved with good intention” type stories.

A woman named Kate McClure was driving along an interstate and her car ran out of gas.  A homeless ex-Marine named Johnny Bobbitt approached her car and offered to go out to get her gas, which he did.

A friendship was made and McClure posted her appreciation for the man’s help.  She set up a GoFundMe page to help the man and, along with her husband, kept in touch with him.

People reacted positively to the heartwarming story, contributing $400,000 to help the man get himself off the streets.

Then, things went bad.

The McClures, it is alleged by Mr. Bobbitt, kept those funds mostly to themselves, giving Mr. Bobbitt only a fraction of the money he was entitled to.  Lawsuits followed and now it appears the money is all gone, allegedly spend by the McClures.

From gizmodo.com and written by Rhett Jones, the whole sordid saga:

$400,000 raised for homeless man on GoFundMe is completely gone, lawyer says