Tag Archives: Smart phones


In this era where just about everyone has a smartphone and many have smart or exercise/tracking watches and one’s location can be followed so long as the user sets the phone/watch to do so, that there just might come a point where that proves… troublesome.

Liz Sly from The Washington Post writes about how…

U. S. Soldiers are revealing sensitive and dangerous information by jogging

The article’s headline effectively tells you most of what you need to know: That some top secret bases light up thanks to soldiers wearing their smart watches while jogging or, for that matter, simply walking around their classified digs.

The article is well worth checking out and proves how scary modern times are, especially when we willingly have given away so much of our privacy to all those smart devices.

One of the comments made to the story says it all:

Why not post your position on Facebook?

Because the enemy knowing where you are at all times is a such a positive to the troops!

This, by the way, reminded me of a story a while back where thieves looked around Facebook for idio– …er… Facebook users who posted pictures contemporaneously when they were on vacation and far away from their homes and, when they returned home, found –surprise surprise!– their homes had been broken into.

Yup, that happened.