Tag Archives: Thanksgiving 2017

Happy (belated) Thanksgiving…

Hope everyone had a great time with family and friends and acquaintances and didn’t bring up any politics.

That’s a sure way to destroy one’s evening!

As for me, I didn’t eat all that much but nonetheless managed to have enough turkey and the triptophan found in it that by the time it got dark I fell in the bed and crashed so hard that…

What’s that?

You say that the triptophan in the turkey isn’t the reason people get so tired?  According to Kevin Bennett of Pennsylvania State University, it isn’t the cause and he wrote the following article to prove this…

Snooze after eating the bird?  Don’t blame triptophan

Here’s the money quote from the above article:

There are far more important factors leading to those post-turkey comas, not least of which is Uncle Clarence’s story about parking at the airport. Add that to free-flowing booze combined with a load of carbohydrates followed by plenty more booze and you have a fool-proof recipe for dozing off on the couch. 

Welp, I don’t drink alcohol so “booze” wasn’t a factor for me.  I guess it was the carbs?

Regardless, hope everyone had a great time!